Organic Australian Apple Cider Vinegar 500ml by WILD MOTHER TASMANIA

Organic Australian Apple Cider Vinegar 500ml by WILD MOTHER TASMANIA

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  • $14.35
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Wild Mother Tasmania is a newly launched vinegar producer based in the Huon Valley. Made with minimal intervention, their un-filtered and un-pasteurised vinegars are full flavoured and delicious vinegars, made with no colours, flavours or other additives.

The process of making vinegar starts with fermentation of the pressed fruit.  Once fully fermented the cider (or wine) is fermented again with vinegar mother, to create vinegar.  Wild Mother Tasmania have developed their own naturally occurring vinegar mother from organic fruit - hence their business name.  

The Organic Apple Cider Vinegar makes a delicious crisp vinaigrette when mixed with a soft olive oil, Dijon mustard and a pinch of salt and pepper.  It is a great local option for all recipes that call for good quality apple cider vinegar, as is also packed full of live vinegar mother for those who interested in apple cider vinegar for its many reported health benefits.

The Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is made with certified organic apples grown within a few kilometres of their production facility in the Huon Valley.  

Ingredients: Naturally fermented apple cider vinegar.

Tags: Gluten Free|Dairy Free|Vegetarian|Vegan Friendly|Paleo
